Wednesday, 10 September 2014

'Parvana' Theme: Risk Taking by Hayden Radford

As the novel progresses, Parvana begins to grow as a person, she becomes much more daring, not necessarily all by choice. Throughout the novel Parvana has to take certain risks which she has no say in the matter, others however she makes on her own accord and that could have dire consequences. An example of scenarios where Parvana has no say in the matter is on page 112 when  "[Her only choice] was to step into the darkness [...] and hope she didn't explode". It's rough on anyone risking their life just to go to the toilet and it's scenarios like this one that create a more genuine feel for just how difficult life can be for the people of Afghanistan.

This map shows a detailed study into just how much of Afghanistan was stricken with landmines during the Soviet invasion.
These landmines now make life for the people of Afghanistan even more difficult,
  often either killing or removing limbs from people particularly children who don't know of the hidden danger.

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